
In order for Grafcet Studio to be able to transfer the Grafcet logic to the device, the Grafcet Engine must be installed in the device. The Grafcet-Engine is included in the scope of delivery of Grafcet-Studio. How to install the Grafcet-Engine on the device is explained for each device in a separate section (see menu on the left).

The following steps are necessary to load the Grafcet into a device:

  1. Install the Grafcet Engine in the device (one-time operation)
  2. Expand the Grafcet-Engine window within Grafcet-Studio
  3. Add and configure the device. The device is selected here and the connection parameters (e. g. IP address) are set.
  4. Connect to the device (Connect button)
  5. Transfer the Grafcet logic (Write button)
  6. Press the Watch button to display the current state of the Grafcet (Debugging)

Add and configure device

In the Grafcet Engine window, press the Add button (see picture). In the Add Device dialog select the device and define the name as you like. Press the OK button. In the following settings dialog you can set the connection parameters (here IP address and network adapter).


If the digital inputs and outputs in the device do not start at 0, you can change the default value accordingly in the PLC address column.


If you have analog signals, then also set the start addresses of the analog values correctly.


If your device has several modules for inputs/outputs, one type of modules (e.g. digital inputs) should be addressed in one range without gaps. Otherwise you can't access all signals with the Grafcet Engine.

Configuring absolute addresses

You can change the address settings at any time via the Device Settings button. In the symbol table, the absolute address in the device (PLC) is displayed in the Address column. Check whether the displayed absolute address is correct. You can adjust the start address in the device settings (top, middle picture).


The addresses of the symbols are calculated from top to bottom. You can't edit the addresses directly.

Via Drag and drop you can move rows and adjust the addresses


Make sure that the displayed addresses match the absolute addresses of the device (PLC).


Otherwise, there is a risk that the outputs will be set incorrectly and your peripherals will be damaged.

Connecting to the device

Press the Connect button to establish a connection to the device. If no connection can be established, a corresponding error message follows. Then check the connection settings again (e. g. IP address and network card) You can only connect to the device, if the Grafcet-Engine is installed on the device.

Write Grafcet

Press the Write button in the Grafcet Engine window. The button can only be pressed if the connection to the device is established.

Watch the Grafcet

Press the 'Watch' button in the toolbar of Grafcet-Studio. If the Grafcet logic in the project (Offline) is identical with the Grafcet logic in the device (Online) then the Grafcet is displayed in watch mode. If there are differences, the current Grafcet logic must be transferred to the device.