The Open Dialog

Via the Open button you can select a 3D plant and open it with one click.

Open Dialog

No. Description
1 Input field to filter the 3D plants. The filter list appears in the Filtered Models node
2 Should the preview images be displayed or not.
3 Tree structure with available 3D models.

You can open the 3D plant with a single click. By pressing the ESC key, you can close the open dialog again.


Enter "Mechatronics Technician" as the filter and all available 3D systems for the IHK occupation Mechatronics Technician will be displayed in the Filtered Models node.

Designation of a 3D plant

The designation of a 3D system contains these 4 pieces of information:

  • Unique number of the 3D system, e.g. 001. The 3D system can be uniquely identified with this number.
  • Name of the 3D system (the name changes in the English language setting)
  • In which edition the 3D system is included, e.g. ED1
  • Difficulty level of the 3D system, e.g. D1


[number]-[name]-[edition]-[difficulty level]

The Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of a 3D plant consists of 5 levels: D1 to D5:

Difficulty level Property Motivational quote from Star Wars universe
D1 Only a few digital inputs and outputs Young Padawan, you are just beginning your journey into the world of PLC controls. Master the basics and learn the power of digital inputs and outputs to balance the PLC galaxy.
D2 More digital inputs and outputs Well done, aspiring Jedi! You've wielded the lightsaber and are now proficient in more digital inputs and outputs. Let's work together to keep track of this larger PLC galaxy and lead the resistance to complexity.
D3 Different machine states such as manual or automatic Welcome the Jedi Knight! You have expanded your skills and mastered the various machine states. Use the power to switch between manual and automatic modes and maintain balance in the control world.
D4 Increased difficulty level Strong Force presence I sense in you, Jedi Master! You are ready for the bigger challenges and more complex tasks. Use your wisdom and knowledge to overcome even the toughest PLC challenges and fend off the dark side of complexity.
D5 Complex processes, complex conditions May the Force be with you, PLC Grandmaster! You have reached the highest levels of PLC controls and are now a true master of complexity. Show the galaxy how you master the most complex procedures and conditions to restore peace to the SPS world. Your name will be immortalized in the Jedi archives for all time!


Enter the difficulty level as a filter ranging from -D1 to -D5 and the respective systems will be filtered.